U.S Fear Attack ISIS From a Landline

Ngeleh-News - United States (USA) continue to be militants groups stormed the ISIS in Iraq or Syria. However, the U.S refused to roll out large-scale ground combat operations in the long term as it is in Afghanistan or Iraq. 

However, the us refused to roll out large-scale ground combat operations in the long term as it is in Afghanistan or Iraq. 

The White House spokesman, Eric Schultz, support the statement of Carter, explaining that America retains its ability to conduct operations in Syria with its partners according to existing opportunities.

"We're not talking about a full-scale attack or attacks on major cities. We're talking about the RAID, "said Colonel Steve Warren – the US led coalition spokesman in Iraq, Thursday (29/10/2015).

"This is not operations put thousands of American troops with the support of thousands or tens of thousands of troops to Iraq launched a sustained offensive operations," he added.

In hearings in Congress Tuesday, Secretary of Defense, Carter said, it could just happen more incursions as happened last week, when u.s. troops are giving advice to Kurdish forces to save around 70 hostages in Iraq, although a member of the U.S. commandos were killed.
U.S Fear Attack ISIS From a Landline
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